Matthew  Maddox

The Maddox Firm
The Maddox Firm
30 Wall Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10005 United States


I love working with brilliant people who work hard. That's why I became a long term disability attorney. All of my clients worked hard to build amazing careers that were cut short. I'm lucky to spend my days (and sometimes nights) protecting folks going through some of the largest changes they have faced. 

I know that if they do it the right way, they'll get through it.

 Recent Successes 

As a long term disability attorney, here are just a few examples of recent successes on behalf of clients that have gotten me really excited:

My client, a trader, suffered from multiple hearing-related issues. The long term disability insurer did not understand that the client’s workplace – a trading floor – was loud and raucous. Through the insurer’s appeal process, I reversed the long term disability insurer’s termination of benefits.​

My client, a physician, had severe pain issues that led him to decrease his productivity. The long term disability insurance company approved his claim, but it miscalculated his benefits. I sued the company in federal court. Due to our efforts, the insurance company paid him back benefits and increased his benefits going forward.​

My client, a partner at a major law firm, suffered from vision issues. I guided him as he left his job. We were able to protect the long term disability benefits that he and his firm had paid for with their insurance premiums.​


Georgetown University, Bachelor of Arts in Economics, graduated with honors, 2003

University of Michigan Law School, graduated with honors, 2008

Book Review Editor, University of Michigan Law Review

Book Award, Evidence​

Jurisdictions Admitted 

New York State Courts

New Jersey State Courts

United States District Court for the Southern District of New York

United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit​

About Me ​

I grew up in a small town. When I lived there, the sign at the outskirts of town read, "Winner All-American City 1963. Home to 6,243 friendly people and six old soreheads."  

It seems quaint and inviting now, but at the time, I had to get out. I worked hard in school, and was valedictorian of my graduating class. School wasn't going to pay for itself!​

I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to Georgetown University. After that, I attended University of Michigan Law School, where I was on law review. 

I was set! I was going to work for a large law firm until I retired. 

It turns out I was not set. I tried working at two top ten law firms. While I loved working with brilliant people, and I loved the challenge of solving hard problems, I just couldn't get excited about the problems we were solving.​

A light went off when I found long term disability and ERISA litigation. I still get to work with brilliant people (my clients), but now I'm solving problems that get me excited. The solutions we provide not only help individual clients, but they also create precedent for other people seeking to enforce their rights to benefits against insurance companies. 

I know I'm lucky. Now I'm set.​

What I Enjoy Doing for Fun

I love biking – I biked over 3,000 miles last year.

I spend a lot time reading. I was a book review editor on law review.

I probably spend too much time watching Netflix with my tiny chihuahua named Mabel on my lap.

And I love college football and basketball – Go Blue!

Classes Taught

Long Term Disability Claims Arising from Long COVID, Lawline, 2023

Opposing a Long Term Disability Company Doctor’s Report, Quimbee, 2022.

Appeal Strategies for ERISA Long Term Disability Claims, Lawline, 2022.

Long Term Disability Claims Strategies, Rossdale CLE, 2022.

Effective Client Counseling for Clients with Disabilities, Lawline, 2021.​

Recent Publications

Long Term Disability Benefits Awarded Due to Symptoms of Long COVID, Despite Disagreement as to Diagnosis, Martindale-Hubbell (January 5, 2023).

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